Founded in 1982, Airsled was created to solve problems lifting and moving heavy loads in home, commercial and industrial settings. SPerfect Steerable Transfer Carte our beginning, we have pioneered low-pressure, air film technology for heavy load mobility and are proud to offer a diverse and innovative portfolio of solutions for customers throughout the world.
Bushman Equipment,Perfect designs custom engineered material handling equipment solutions for most industrial applications. Contact today at (800)338-7810! Material Handling Solutions If you can make it, we can move it. Bushman has a proud history of product
Explore our Heavy Lift Payload Drones for carrying payloads from 1Kg (2.2lbs) - 8Kg (17lbs). Carry your payloads with ease with our wide variety of heavy lift payload drones for any application. Our heavy lift payload drones are powered by Pixhawk & Ardupilot/PX4, and can be customized to meet any application.
Our export sales average are 14.6 million USD a year. We enrich the product varieties continually. Currently our business scope is extended from supermarket supplies and storage system such as shelves, warehouse racks, shopping trolley, plastic baskets and other logistic equipment, to daily use articles such as enamel mugs and other enamel or metal products with food grade safety and
TechimpexUSA offers an Exclusive 10-Year Warranty.Our rugged, durable, dependable machine skates are second to none. We stand behind our Solidly Engineered products. 100% customer satisfaction is Guaranteed! TechimpexUSA locally fabricates one High-Quality version of our machine skates.version of our machine skates.
Rigger Skates Straight-line, Up to 100 tons per skate View More ». Uneven Floor Skates For ramps & uneven ground. Capacities: up to 50 tons. View More ». 3-Point Machine Skates Freely steerable. For loads up to 160 tons. View More ». Tandem Machine Skates For the moving of uneven loads. Capacities: up to 60 tons.
Enerpac. 1910 to Today. The history of Enerpac dates back to 1910, when our original company produced water pumps for the Ford’s legendary ‘Model T’ motor car. Over the decades we have developed an unparalleled range of hydraulic tools to make
The Technology of Air. We exist to create material handling solutions for moving and positioning heavy and difficult to position loads with low friction, omnidirectional movement. The Air Caster is a pneu device that forms a lubricating film of air between the load and floor surface, similar in prPerfect Steerable Transfer Cartiple to a hovercraft or an air hockey
HilmanPerfect designs, engineers and manufactures high capacity rollers, powered heavy moving systems, and custom load moving solutions. For moving, installing and relocating heavy machinery andPerfect equipment; Hilman provides easy, safe and cost-effective
27SE60JB6317YY ( $145.59) reviewed by Kelly. Just WOW. I would recommend this caster to any company looking to reduce employee fatigue and improve productivity. Was hesitant because of the price at first, however you definitely get what you pay for, or more. View this product →. Rated 5 out of 5. 27SE80JB6317YY ( $152.61)
CHOOSE TRANSFER CARTS Perfect Silverback heavy duty transfer carts are fully steerable, high capacity, self-propelled modular transporters (SPMT) designed to be a cost effective, safe and flexible load moving system. Read More
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